Blooming Grove Baptist Church, PA
Where we don't go to church,
we are the church,
"the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth"
(1 Timothy 3:15).
550 Route 402
Blooming Grove, PA 18428
Blooming Grove Baptist Church is an Independent Baptist Church governed by the Lord and by the local membership of this congregation.
Dear Friends,
We extend a warm welcome to you, our guests. Visitors are expected and valued in our fellowship. It truly is our privilege to serve you. We hope that your time with us will prove to be spiritually rewarding.
As individuals and a local fellowship of believers, we desire to testify that God is real, His Word is alive and He is still in the business of changing lives.
We honestly believe there is a great God in Heaven that loves us and sincerely desires to help us. We believe that having a heart that is fully alive and passionately following Jesus Christ is the most satisfying way to live.
We are not a social club, nor are we an entertainment center. We are just an old-fashioned Bible believing church that still cares about reaching and helping people. We desire to be a community of people who stand firm in the truth and who represent living proof of a loving God to a watching world.
The Blooming Grove Baptist Church exists for the glory of God and the benefit of people. We have come together as believers in Jesus Christ alone as the door to salvation. We hope that you can be with us sometime in the near future.
We are,
Amazed by God's Grace
Sunday School 10:00 AM
Morning Worship Service 11:00 AM
Elders : Lee DeBlon, Jim Parsons, Tom Stack
Pastor Emeritus : Rev. Doug Rhine
Deacons : Jack Farrington, Jon Kemnitz, Fred Robinson,
Rob Vonderheide
Trustees : Lee DeBlon, John Dilts, Jack Farrington,
Jon Kemnitz, Robert McDevitt
Praise Team Director: Peggy McDevitt
Choir Director : Nancy Austin, Jean Rhine
Worship Music Team: Nancy Austin,
Peggy and Robert McDevitt,
Liz Richards, Rhonda Robinson
Pianist : Jean Rhine
Greeters : Liz Richards, Fred Robinson
Monthly Events
A remembrance of our Lord's Table is held the First Sunday of each month.
Third Sunday Fellowship Lunch 12.00 PM